Are you having a tough time finding news to report 🧐

Are you having a tough time finding news to report?

Try a spokesperson pitch instead.

It could go something like this:

"Hey XYZ,

I'm reaching out because I'm a regular reader of your articles in XYZ about XYZ topic.

I'm an expert in XYZ who could be a valuable resource for your future stories.

Below, you'll find my bio and a list of topics I’m well-versed in.

📝 Your short bio

📍 A brief list of relevant, hyper-specific topics

📞 Contact information to get in touch



Including that quick list of *specific* topics is important because so many journalists use the search bar in their emails to search for sources.

You want YOUR source to stand out when they're looking for specific keywords.

Think of it like email SEO.

You might not land an interview right away, but writers often circle back for future stories weeks, months, and even years down the road.

Get insights from the best business books

You've heard of snackable content, snackable videos, snackable tips... and now snackable books?!

As a book lover… I’m kinda obsessed with this.

You can get the best ideas from 10 great business books every quarter, in a 100-page book with witty hand-drawings (in this AI-era, that's hard to find!)

Check out the sample PDF here.

Just click here to request your FREE copy of the 1st issue.

The first 100 can get the print book mailed to a US address, and the first 1,000 can get the PDF version. (If you’re a hard copy lover like me… hurry up to get the print book mailed!)

For more info, visit

When NOT to hire PR

On LinkedIn, I shared three *not-so-great reasons* to bring a PR firm on board.

These insights come from my experience as a TV reporter turned PR pro with 16 years of experience in the business.

Click here to read it.

When you’re ready, here are some other ways I can help you.

1. Spend less than an hour learning the 5 simple steps to getting featured in the media without spending money on ads. This masterclass is FREE!​​​

2. In three hours, I’ll teach you how to pitch the media to earn publicity and turn it into profit. Click here to join my bootcamp now.​​​

3. Are you ready to bring PR in-house? ​​In my Media Mentoring Program​​​, you or a VA can learn how to become a publicist with the skills of a big PR agency.

4. Want me and my team of journalists to take all of this off your plate? ​​Click here to set up a call with the Media Maven team about our done-for-you PR services.

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Become a Media Maven

Learn step-by-step how businesses are earning media exposure (without ads) from a TV reporter turned PR agency owner every Thursday.

Read more from Become a Media Maven

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