Trick to pitching Forbes

I’ve been out of the pitching game for a while… and it’s harder than it used to be.

Granted, I’m currently trying to:

a.) land the hardest kind of media (national TV),

b.) during the toughest time (an election year),

and c.) with experts who don’t live in the country.

Still, I’m learning that I need to do things differently.

Here are some tweaks I’m making and reminders I’m telling myself:

  1. Send a tweet that says “Hey, @person. I dropped you a quick line on a story idea about the topic for your outlet.”
  2. Ensure the emails are being sent. This part gets a little too techy for me, so if you work for a company with a tech team and notice through an email tracker they’re not even getting opened, have them check this.
  3. Try a different subject line… because maybe that’s why they’re not being opened.
  4. Instead of just adding them as a LinkedIn connection, actually send them a message like the one on Twitter above.
  5. Reference past coverage that is relevant to your pitch.
  6. Don’t forget to put problems with data and statistics at the front of the pitch.
  7. Make it even shorter.

Trick to Pitching Forbes

Even though media kits are created for advertisers, you can still use them as a brainstorming partner for pitches.

Take Forbes for example.

Click here to get their media kit and pay attention to pages 17, 21, and 22.

These are the only ones relevant to you for pitching.

Here’s how you can use this information.

Familiarize yourself with the types of stories Forbes has planned to cover in print and online.

When crafting your pitch, you can lead with something like, “Since you’re focusing on this topic in this month…”

Another reminder from above… keep your pitch concise and to the point.

Want More Money?

You know I love to share my discoveries.

A common problem that I see with almost everyone who considers my Media Mentoring Program is money.

They either aren’t making enough or struggle to manage how to use what they’ve got.

Amy Sanders has closed the gap by making it simple to attract more money into your life while healing your relationship with money from your past. (We all have something!)

Click here for her FREE PDF of 5 steps to becoming a money magnet.

These simple steps took her from being broke to living a multimillionaire lifestyle in under four years.

Make Sales Easier

Tired of complicated sales strategies? (Or just feeling awkward in the process?)

The Simple Sales Bundle has everything you need to simplify all of it and make more cash in your business.

From lead magnets to SEO, get 50+ resources for just $7.

Plus, if you grab the bundle before 11:59 pm CT today (Thursday, August 15), you’ll receive a bonus gift!

Click here to get the bundle.

Shout out to my friend Steph Blake for this amazing offer… and I’m definitely forking over $7 for this. (Why the hell not?!)

FYI on this… for the past 4+ years, Steph has taught this method to thousands of people, retired her husband, and makes six figures working 15 hours a week. (So yeah, I'll learn from her!)

It’s a lot (which is amazing), but I’m going to go deep on ONE of these resources.

Then, move on to the next.

Like Jim Kwik says, “Knowledge is potential power.”

You gotta do something with it to be powerful… so spend $7 and then DO SOMETHING!

Juicy Post to Come…

I already have a pretty juicy LinkedIn post drafted, but I’m waiting for something to happen before I hit publish.

I’ll spill the tea very soon.

How I Can Help

1️⃣ Spend less than an hour learning the 5 simple steps to getting featured in the media without spending money on ads. This masterclass is FREE!​​​​

2️⃣ In three hours, learn how to pitch the media to earn publicity and turn it into profit. Click here to join our bootcamp now.​​​​

3️⃣ Are you ready to bring PR in-house? ​​In my Media Mentoring Program​​​, you or a VA can learn how to become a publicist with the skills of a big PR agency.

Become a Media Maven

Learn step-by-step how businesses are earning media exposure (without ads) from a TV reporter turned PR agency owner every Thursday.

Read more from Become a Media Maven

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